TrayDay Fingerprint

The TrayDay Fingerprint is a code related to your computer configuration, and will be used in the construction of your registration code for TrayDay v7.

If you haven't installed TrayDay yet, we recommend you do that before purchase - so that you can give your Fingerprint. You can leave it blank if you wish; you will then receive a temporary unlock code, valid for 90 days, and can apply for a permanent code later.

Image of top of User Information window

You can find the TrayDay Fingerprint by running TrayDay v7, right-clicking the date icon in the tray, and selecting Register. At the top right of the resulting dialog you will see a code similar to XXXX-XXXX, where X is a number or letter. You can highlight the code with your mouse and press Ctrl-C to copy it.

The TrayDay license allows personal use of TrayDay on more than one computer (as long as they are not in use at the same time). If you wish to install TrayDay on another computer, please include the Fingerprint for it in the "Special instructions" field (Paypal users will find this field on the Paypal payment page). Alternatively you can request this by email later if you wish.

At any time you can email us at, quoting your TrayDay Fingerprint, to request your permanent registration code for TrayDay - or to request an unlock code for your own personal use on a second (or new) computer.